District of Columbia v. Kevin Onyona (Swahili Village)

Submit Release of Claims Form

to participate in the settlement and receive a share of the settlement fund, you must: (1) fully and timely complete and sign the release of claims form; (2) timely mail, email, or submit online, the release of claims form, to the settlement administrator. the release of claims form must be postmarked, emailed, or submitted online to the settlement administrator by January 29, 2025.

A copy of the Notice of Settlement and Release of Claims is available on our website, under the Important Documents Section. You can also email  swahilivillagesettlement@cptgroup.com to request a copy.

If you have any questions, please contact the Claims Administrator: by phone at 1-888-965-4814, by email at swahilivillagesettlement@cptgroup.com or by facsimile at (949) 419-3446, or via mail at District of Columbia v. Kevin Onyona (Swahili Village) c/o CPT Group, Inc., 50 Corporate Park, Irvine, CA 92606.